I don’t believe in living life based on predictions; I know that at every moment we possess the power to influence and change the trajectory of our health, finances, relationships and careers, essentially our entire lives. But I am fascinated by the wisdom found in the many forms of energy interpretation.
Recently, I’ve seen the Five of Cups tarot card (pictured above) several times. It showed up on a book cover, a flyer and finally in an email from a friend. I’ve learned to notice when life conspires to get my attention. There’s something on this card that I, or someone I’m connected to, needs to hear.
In this image, a grief-stricken being, suggested by his black cloak and hunched posture, is standing over three toppled cups. Red and green, symbolizing the desires of the heart and fertility, spill from cups. Two intact, upright cups stand out of his sight. A river runs by indicating that, though the man remains still, life continues.
At some time in life, we’ve all been here. We’ve stood fixed, consumed by sadness, loss, perceived failure or regret over something we can do nothing about. Whatever it is, it’s over. We must move on.
We must turn to the full cups and celebrate what we do still have (health, hope, friends, faith, WHATEVER remains). The act of focusing on and appreciating the good that endures tills the soil of our future making it fertile.
We can begin again. We can choose to take only what truly serves us from the past, the lessons learned and wisdom gained. We can take off our mourning cloak and wrap ourselves in life’s forgiveness and support. What appears as an insurmountable upset or failure is a temporary place on the path of life. Don’t linger, move on. Know that every person you admire has done this and the more successful they are the more they’ve had to.
Turn to the full cups.
~ Cynthia
How can I believe such beautifully crafted words of deep wisdom have not excited any comments(so far). I suppose I can Cynthia, the greed and selfishness that a commercial culture relies and feeds on is not interested in the philosophy that enough is enough. Go well, take care.
Hi Cynthia, beautiful post.I am drawn to the contrast between the 'flow' of the river, and the fixed look. So easy it is to get bogged down in our perceived losses or failures. To 'cry over spilt milk'.You're absolutely right, and many people would benefit from your wisdom. I hope they do, and I also hope they leave lots of comments ;)I'm looking forward to checking the rest of your blog. I'll subscribe.With love,Ben
Ben: Thank you for the compliment and taking the time to see the card. I am also a fan of your fantastic blog.Cynthia
Hello Corfubob,I'm honored to have be the first post here :)Thank you,Cynthiabtw – I love Corfu! I spent a week there when I only intended to stay one night. It's incredible and unlike any other place in Greece. I am so happy you get to enjoy it always.
You're absolutely right, and many people would benefit from your wisdom. I hope they do, and I also hope they leave lots of comments. I'd like to get your feedback on mine.
Oh well said. "Don't linger. Move on". Agonizing over the 'could have done' and 'should have done' doesn't accomplish anything except to make the hurt more profound.http://briselle.blogspot.com/
Hi Lyn:I visited your blog and like your attitude. You have a gift for making the best of whatever you face. That's quite an asset.Best of ALL things to you,Cynthia
What a beautiful, wise post Cynthia. I have been like that man who has turned away from the full cups many times (too many to count). But I will remember your inspiring words the next time I am tempted to wallow in my pain and misfortune. The next time, I will "turn to the full cups."
We must turn to the full cups and celebrate what we do still have (health, hope, friends, faith, WHATEVER remains). The act of focusing
Life is an Oracle