Life 082: The Call to Greatness

Life 082: The Call to Greatness

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As the world is adjusting to stay at home orders, you stand on the precipice of life-altering decisions. How will you use this time? Who will you become because of this experience? What if this experience were happening for you? What if you sleep and distract your way through it?

In this episode, I’ll guide you to hear the call to greatness within this opportunity. Don’t miss this incredible, once in a lifetime, chance.

Time Markers

– Clean out the crap (2:20)

–No “Keeping Up with The Jones’” (6:27)

– Structure as a foundation for change (8:05)

– Squandering gifts to honor tragedy (11:02)

– How to hear the call (13:15)

– Real wealth (19:15)

– This is a once in a lifetime opportunity (22:48)


Don’t squander the gifts of this situation in some misguided way to honor the tragedy we’re experiencing.

Look at the tragedy, feel the pain, and use that grief to alchemize something better.



Coronavirus is Our Future – Alanna Shaikh Ted Talk


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