How to embrace femininity

What is feminine energy, feminine essence, feminine power, and femininity?


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The discussion of femininity continues. In this show, you’ll learn how to better define femininity for yourself, and Cynthia will guide you in laying the groundwork for your transformation. Get ready to embrace your feminine gifts.

Time Markers:

What is femininity? (4:00)
How the feminist movement missed the mark (7:50)
What happens when we repress our feminine essence? (8:30)
How most women discover their need for their feminine selves (13:35)
How to embrace your feminine essence (23:20)
How what you believe creates your life (25:15)



“You cannot create a deeply fulfilling life and conform to the expectations of others, too.”

“Without the feminine strengths of compassion, abundance, and kindness ruling our hearts, we neglect and abuse ourselves.”

“Our culture hinders the development and cultivation of healthy self esteem and body image. Making money trumps the emotional or physical welfare of people, specifically women and girls, and it precludes us from having the reverence, appreciation and adoration we should have for our bodies.”


My online school: Beautiful Life School

My book: Resurrecting Venus, A Woman’s Guide to Love, Work, Motherhood & Soothing the Sacred Ache


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This podcast is sponsored by Valli Naturals. Valli Naturals makes miraculous paraben-free skincare products loaded with essential oils and skin beautifying botanicals. Check out my favorite product: Intensive Raspberry Rose Moisturizer. Use the coupon code “CYNTHIA” for 10% off for this show’s listeners only.

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