Top 5 Ways You Sabotage Your Happiness and SuccessTop 5 Ways You Sabotage Your Happiness and Success.

An updated version of this show was recorded on 10/7/22. Listen to it here:
REWRITTEN with Cynthia Occelli

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Is something stopping you from attaining the success and happiness you desire? Do you get to a certain point and then hit a wall? Discover the top 5 ways you may be sabotaging yourself. In this , you’ll learn to dissolve the obstacles and finally enjoy the life you deserve.

Time Markers:

(3:09) How to find beauty in the darkest times
(6:05) What jealousy means about you
(16:55) Wasting the present on the past
(17:45) The root cause of happiness
(21:25) The ultimate self-sabotage: comparison
(23:30) Stay on your own mat
(24:45) Releasing conditioned happiness
(25:55) Your power to choose
(26:25) Turning to the full cups
(27:28) Coping with hopelessness
(28:55) Recognizing when you fall unconscious


It’s impossible to know whether the life you wished you’d have lived would be better than the life you’ve actually lived. The greater likelihood is that you wouldn’t have been happier.

Happiness is the result of your interpretation and response to circumstances, NOT the circumstances.

Fantasizing about what might have been sabotages your present opportunity for success.

Stop lamenting, resenting, regretting and surrender to spirit instead.

Take advantage of your story telling potential and tell yourself a story that uplifts and inspires you.

Regretting is indulging in victimhood.

Every comparison is a global attack on sisterhood.

There is no one like you; no one is made like you, no one has a soul path like you.

As long as there is life in your body, there is hope.


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