Let's talk!
Please send me a message on Instagram: @CynthiaOccelli
Mailing Address
2355 Westwood Blvd., #750
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Connect With Me
Heart-based social sharing is one of my favorite things!
Mailing Address
2355 Westwood Blvd., #750
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Heart-based social sharing is one of my favorite things!
Detox your mind of negative thoughts and beliefs.
Make space for your goals and heart's desires.
Free 5-Part Email Series
In this FREE Meditation, I share my approach
and answer some common questions
about the practice.
Need an answer? Connect with your intuition by listening to the Embrace Your Inner Goddess Guided Visualization (Hay House) (24:29).
Five keys to mastering yourself
and freeing your inner wise woman
in this FREE email series.