Are there changes you need to make, but fear stops you from taking action?
Ignoring your inner voice won’t silence it. Instead, it usually grows louder until your life starts to implode. It’s though life says, “So you’re not going to make those changes? Okay, I’ll shake things up to help you get moving.”
When life starts to feel like every step you take is uphill, it may be its way of encouraging you to make the changes that you know you need to make.
Years ago, I woke up in the middle of this experience. For too long, I’d kept myself busy with things that made me feel like “a good person.” I was a tireless mom, a dutiful daughter, and a reliable partner to a man I loved but wasn’t in love with. I ran my own business, and people liked me. I clung to approval and the predictable pace of my life. Things were fine. Why rock the boat? I reasoned.
Meanwhile, my soul—the part of us that comes here with a unique purpose and a desire to immerse itself in the richness of life—languished in the muddy background of my perfectly predictable life. My soul wanted to be in love, create beautiful things, protect children, and empower women. It wanted to live a much bigger (much more uncomfortable and scarier) life. In quiet moments, an empty, amorphous longing would overcome me.
Invariably, something would distract me. My daughter needed a ride, my boyfriend called, my mom wanted help moving a chair, the dog needed food, or some other seemingly important, but inconsequential event would turn my attention from the vacancy in my heart.
One average afternoon, everything changed. My mom was diagnosed with a terminal illness.
I was stunned, not just by her prognosis but by the reality of our collective mortality. We are all dying. The only difference was she knew how and when.
I couldn’t shake this unchangeable realization. Even when I went back to my busy-ness, it followed me. It stalked me in my dreams, rode in the passenger seat of my car, and even sabotaged my comfy TV and bad-for-you-snack-time.
Have you ever needed a fresh start? Do you ever feel
an incessant urging, like a weak infant hidden
somewhere and crying for your attention?
Or maybe yours shows up frustrated and pissed off that you’ve ignored her so completely.
Now, I’m 100% human. I have no delusions about being anywhere near perfect, but I do have decades of life and coaching experience. I know that we are meant to change and evolve. I couldn’t play ostrich in my own life any longer.
I had lived as though my soul’s desires weren’t important when in truth they’re what matter the most. If I died that day, it would be with an ocean of regret.
I sat down and gave myself the sort of intensive coaching I reserve only for those who really want it and can handle it. No hiding. No excuses. No fear. Nothing but brutal truth and bold action.
I left my ex, focused on caring for my mom, and vowed that for the rest of my life I would heed the promptings of my soul.
When my mom died, I grieved, took a break from my work, sold my home, and let go of 80% of my belongings. I started over.
Have you ever needed a fresh start? Do you ever feel an incessant urging, like a weak infant hidden somewhere and crying for your attention? Or maybe yours shows up frustrated and pissed off that you’ve ignored her so completely.
There’s a power within you that knows what you came here to do. This power knows your life’s purpose, and it’s always present. It tells you what you need most, what will bring you the best experiences, and what will help you become your best self. It tells you what you need to do, what to stop doing, and when to remove yourself from a situation.
Tolerating constant dissatisfaction with your life is debilitating. Doing something about it can be terrifying. It opens up a whole can of scary worms:
How can I afford it? How can leave without hurting them? What will my parents or children think of me? What if I fall flat on my face? What if I make colossal mistakes and end up broke, or worse, heartbroken? What if I regret it?
These questions could swirl around endlessly, long enough to keep you bound to an outgrown life, marriage, career, self, or social group, forever.
Like until you die. It’s not easy to accept, but your resistance is futile.
I come bearing news from the other side. It’s been difficult. Things didn’t go as planned. Some things produced less than I wanted and others took longer than they were supposed to. Uncertainty became normal. It was uncomfortable.
Was listening to the gnawing ache in my soul worth it?
At the same time, I fell head over heels into the sort of love I’d always wanted and wasn’t sure existed, passionate, tender, kind, and enduring. I traveled and found inspirations that wove beauty into my life. I made new friends. My business blossomed. I became active in organizations that help women and children live safe, happy, healthy, and unlimited lives.
Was listening to the gnawing ache in my soul worth it?
As I emerged from the chaos (which precedes all transformation), I saw the power of the choices I’d made creating a new landscape for my life.
My new life feels like home. It’s filled with that long-missing feeling of excitement to live each day, my way. It’s magical.
Finally, I love my life.
Isn’t it time for you to love yours too?
You can make the changes you need to make and
have the life you want. I’ll help.
There’s a power within you that knows what you came here to do. Call it your higher-self, energy, soul, intuition, life, or whatever evokes a sense of profound truth for you. This power knows your life’s purpose, and it’s always present. It tells you what you need most, what will bring you the best experiences, and what will help you become your best self. It tells you what you need to do, what to stop doing, and when to remove yourself from a situation.
Knowing what to do is only the first step. You must then take action. Making the changes, facing your fears, grappling with the obstacles, and setting up camp outside of your comfort zones are the most challenging parts of the journey. All of it is worth it.
If you’re ready to reinvent yourself and remake your life, I’m here help. I’ve created the Beautiful Life School (BLS), a program with online courses, meditations, live-coaching, and a supportive community of women on the same journey.
BLS requires a real commitment from me and you. I’m ready. Are you?
Enrollment is limited, and there’s only one session this year. Sign up and you’ll be the notified before we open.
With guidance, support, and smart choices, you can live your beautiful life.
I can’t wait to meet you!
When I began reading your email, the TV was on… not even a minute into reading, I turned off the TV and was in tears.
A change is definitely needed in my life. As I always say, “I don’t do alone well”.
Aww big hugs to you, Lauri <3