How to handle difficult holiday relationships Holiday parties, get-togethers, and family events are often brimming with well-meaning, sometimes inebriated, people who want to help you. They say things like: Are you married yet? When are you going to have children? more
“They are tossed to drunken heights, only to be brought down into a sludge of headachy despair; their arrogance gives way to humiliation at the next curve of the switchback.” —Patrick White It is easy to lose sight of yourself as the most more
I’ve discovered something so monumentally life impeding that dealing with it forced me to examine some very dark moments and tender places: I’ve been navigating my life with blinders on. I fashioned them with the sound, logical intent of never again falling prey to more
I work with women who often unknowingly spend nearly all their energy trying to live up to someone else’s image of who they should be. Going against your truth and meaningful purpose to be what someone else wants is monumentally challenging and rarely successful. more
I know that happened because of something about me. We are masterful storytellers. The instant someone does or doesn’t do something, the storyteller in our mind goes to work crafting the story and explaining why. For example: –Man meets a woman and asks if more
One of the most heartbreaking and frustrating parts of my work is watching women think they need permission to do, be, or have something they really care about. On this International Women’s Day, I have ONE potent and powerful message for you: You have the more