“They are tossed to drunken heights, only to be brought down into a sludge of headachy despair; their arrogance gives way to humiliation at the next curve of the switchback.” —Patrick White It is easy to lose sight of yourself as the most powerful...read more
LIFE 92: Learning to Talk About Racism https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/cynthiaoccelli/01_LIFE_092__Learning_to_Talk_About_Racism.mp3Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS Listen on iTunes.Listen on StitcherStream by clicking here.Download an MP3 of the show by...read more
LIFE 91: Chaos, Crisis, and A New Normal Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS Listen on iTunes.Listen on StitcherStream by clicking here.Download an MP3 of the show by right-clicking here and choosing “save as.” Description A tough time and a tough week for sure....read more
LIFE 081: Crisis as Truthteller http://traffic.libsyn.com/cynthiaoccelli/LIFE_081__Crisis_as_Truthteller.mp3Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | RSS Listen on iTunes. Listen on Stitcher Stream by clicking here. Download an MP3 of the show by right-clicking here and...read more
Life 080: Using Crisis to Bring Out the Best in You http://traffic.libsyn.com/cynthiaoccelli/LIFE_080__Using_Crisis_to_Bring_Out_the_Very_Best_in_You.mp3Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS Listen on iTunes.Listen on StitcherStream by clicking here.Download an MP3...read more
Change is challenging. Sometimes people procrastinate until change isn’t possible anymore, or making it is more difficult than it would have been had we heeded our inner knowing. Learn how to move through these six phases of changing your life. Watch yourself...read more