Life’s challenges often call up our skeletons, dirt, pains and “toxic holding-on.” This creates the opportunity to heal and release them. This is the time for facing, acknowledging, learning and trusting the process so that we can emerge better more
Photo Credit: Tanya Dawn Last week, my computer crashed taking a year’s worth of email and documents with it. The back up is corrupted too (if I owe you a response, please let me know). Also last week, a friend who owns property in another state was more
Sometimes we end up in situations with people who say and do things that, if taken personally, hurt or upset us. Coworkers, family members, customers, pseudo-friends and people in illusory positions of superiority (teachers, judges, bosses etc.) are the more
Even the most Pollyanna, enlightened or optimistic people feel unmotivated or pessimistic sometimes. They feel afraid, worried and irritated, too. Today was a dark day for me, it felt like I was living underwater. I felt slow, dissatisfied and blue. Being well more
This post’s title is a misnomer because there is rarely a justification to fight. Aside from a threat to your immediate safety, the protection of a child or some other dire circumstance, fighting is a no no. Perhaps a better title would be, “How more
We cannot obtain what we lack if we tenaciously cling to what we have. –Charles F. Haanel I posted the above quote on my Facebook Page. In response, I received emails and comments requesting clarification of its meaning. I do not profess to know precisely more